Greenbuild People’s Choice
Vote for Sonoma Academy to be a session at Greenbuild
Jul 09, 2018
We have submitted Sonoma Academy for the “GreenbuildPeople’s Voice” track — a track within the Greenbuild Education Program inwhich proposed sessions are voted on. Please help the team out by votingat the link below.
SESSION WITH THE MOST VOTES GETS TO PRESENT ATGREENBUILD: If our session gets the most votes, the AEC team consisting ofPauline Souza, Hormoz Janssens and Courtney Lorenz, will present a case study onSonoma Academy at the 2018 Greenbuild Expo, November 14-16.
DEADLINE TO VOTE: Friday, July 13, 5pm PST
- LINK: https://www.greenbuildexpo.com...
- CLICK: “I’m ready to vote” button
- FORM: Fill out the short form
- SELECT (under Design Innovation and Application category): Check box PV30 - Cooking and Crafting Towards a Resilient, Low Carbon, Health-Focused, Transparent Future: Case Study on a 2018 AIA COTE Top Ten School Project Targeting LBC, WELL, LEED Platinum, and ZNE
Title: Cooking and Crafting Towards aResilient, Low Carbon, Health-Focused, Transparent Future: Case Study on a 2018AIA COTE Top Ten School Project Targeting LBC, WELL, LEED Platinum, and ZNE (PV30)
Abstract: SonomaAcademy, a Northern California high school, is rethinking educational design,integrating biophilic principles with innovative design and engineeringsolutions to meet strict sustainability and energy efficiency goals. For theirnew Janet Durgin Guild & Commons building — an energy-heavy programthat includes maker spaces, commercial and teaching kitchens, productivegarden, and classrooms — the project team produced a beautiful, high-performingbuilding simultaneously using LEED Platinum, WELL Education Pilot and LivingBuilding Challenge. Nature-inspired and human-centered, the design focuses onfresh air, natural light, sustainable systems, healthy material selection, andlocal resources.The session will show how the AEC team integrated students andteachers into the design conversation and pushed for material transparency,harmful chemical avoidance, carbon reduction, and regional and community healthselections. Learn how they changed the mindset and designed around humanthermal comfort, natural ventilation, and daylighting optimization. Aninteractive dialogue about the future of building materials and systems,and a conversation about where the industry can head in terms of beautiful,local and healthy sustainable products.