John Lansing Receives WPC Scholarship
Jan 09, 2019
We are delighted to announce that John Lansing, CPD, LEED Green Associate, is the sole recipient of the 2018 World Plumbing Council Education and Training Scholarship. This is the first time since 2005 that an applicant from the United States has earned this scholarship. John’s interest in exploring plumbing engineering, codes and standards in other countries, and comparing those to conventional US standards guided his application and planning. John will spend 3 weeks in the United Kingdom, focusing on British plumbing engineering practices in London and Edinburgh before compiling an in-depth report giving an overview of the application of plumbing engineering and how elements might be utilized in the US.
John is excited to learn about how the UK is using new and different technologies to solve similar problems we face in the US. There is limited collaboration across borders when it comes to plumbing engineering practices, making this a unique opportunity. John’s venture will uncover incredibly valuable information, and will spark inspiration, ideas and actions among plumbing organizations and communities throughout the United States.
Please join us in congratulating John on achieving this incredibly unique opportunity. We can’t wait to see what he comes back with!