Westmoreland Union Manor Senior Housing Gets Energy Retrofit
Energy Trust of Oregon
Feb 17, 2017
Constructed in 1966, Westmoreland Union Manor in Southeast Portland has provided housing for thousands of senior citizens living on very low fixed incomes. Like many other government-built multifamily buildings of similar age around the country, Westmoreland was due for a major renovation. The primary focus was to lower energy costs, update building systems and enhance the quality and safety of the interior environment for tenants and staff.
On February 23rd, be sure to join Interface Principal Andrew Lasse and members of the design team as they present the integrated approach taken to accomplish this major renovation while minimizing disruptions for tenants. The presentation will be followed by a building tour looking behind the scenes into the construction process.
WHEN: Thursday, February 23 | Presentation: 9 am - 11 am; Tour: 11 am - 12 pm
WHERE: Westmoreland Union Manor | 6404 SE 23rd Ave., Portland, OR 97202
REGISTRATION: http://bit.ly/2lSYaVc