Hennebery Eddy Architects
Port of Portland International Airport Terminal Balancing and Concourse E Expansion
Portland, Oregon
Client: Hennebery Eddy Architects
Building Size: 120,000 sf
Project Cost: $251 million
The Portland International Airport serves nearly 20 million passengers each year. Built in 1950, the number of travelers has steadily increased. Upon completion in 2025, the Port of Portland’s PDXNext project will position the airport to accommodate over 30 million passengers with improved amenities, flexibility, and circulation. Interface Engineering has been involved in two of the largest PDXNext projects along with several auxiliary projects.
The Terminal Balancing and Concourse E Expansion Project involved deplaning operations spaces, enplaning holdrooms, extension of the basement utility tunnel and a mezzanine space. The Interface team included over 40 in-house engineers, designers, and modelers to complete this ambitious project.