Max Mikhaylenko
STEM Building
Clark College
Just about every inch of the building, from the Digital Lounge to the Collaboratorium, is dedicated to the sciences and contains something designed by Interface that can be seen and studied.
Vancouver, Washington
Client: LSW Architects
Building Size: 70,317
Project Cost: $40 million
Certifications: LEED Gold
Not only does the new STEM building assist students with their studies, it also serves as an educational tool for area K-12 schools and the surrounding community. Several of the building’s features are placed in full view to encourage discussion and are an integral part of the curriculum. The building contains a dozen labs. The exhaust systems for each were an important safety consideration. Lab controls were incorporated to provide exhaust to lab fume hoods and maintain negative pressure to the lab spaces to preserve good air quality. Other key features include LED lighting, radiant heating slab in ground floor with demonstration window showing piping on wall in lobby, natural ventilation in lobby, and window shades for solar load control.