WRNS Studio
South East Quadrant Conceptual Design
San Jose State University
San Jose, California
Client: WRNS Studio
Building Size: Campus Village Phase 2 Size: 240,000 sf, Recreation and Aquatic Center Size: 102,000 sf, Campus Village Phase 3 Size: 640,000 sf
Interface provided services to complete the conceptual design for the new San Jose State Aquatics/Recreation Center, new student housing, and new food service facility in the Southeast quadrant of the campus. The future building projects will be constructed in three phases. The first phase will include the demolition of an existing dormitory building and the construction of an 850 bed high rise dormitory building. The second phase will include the demolition of (2) existing dormitory buildings, existing recreation center and pool and the construction of a new Recreation and Aquatics Center and outdoor pool. The third phase will include the demolition of two existing dormitory buildings and existing dining facility and the construction of a 2,300 bed high rise dormitory building and Dining Facility.